

Kranc is a suite of Mathematica-based computer-algebra packages, which comprise a toolbox to convert certain (tensorial) systems of partial differential evolution equations to parallelized C code for solving initial boundary value problems. It does this by generating Cactus thorns, allowing use of all the infrastructure provided by Cactus.

Kranc generates code and Cactus CCL files for:

  • Declaring the grid functions which the simulation will use;
  • Registering the grid functions for the evolved variables with the MoL thorn;
  • Computing the right hand sides of evolution equations so that the time integrator can compute the evolved variables at the next time step;
  • Computing finite differences, both using built-in definitions of standard centred finite differencing operators, as well as allowing the user to create customised operators;
  • Performing a user-specified calculation at each point of the grid.

Get start

Run Kranc to build the <thornname> thorn:

Kranc/Bin/kranc <thornname>

There should be a new directory, <thornname>, which is the Cactus thorn which has been newly generated from the <thornname>.m Kranc script.


The scripts look for a Kranc installation in the “m” directory, in the Cactus root directory and in $HOME as well as in the location where they find the kranc shell-script if it is in the $PATH. If your Kranc (or kranc) directory is in neither of these places, then you can set the environment variable KRANCPATH to the location of your Kranc installation.

Data structures

Mathematica does not have the concept of a C++ class or a C structure, in which collections of named objects are grouped together for ease of manipulation. Instead, we have defined a Kranc structure as a list of rules of the form key -> value.


The name of a calculation is a string which will be used as the function name in Cactus.

>>> Name -> "Example"


Only the Name key is required; all the others take default values if omitted.

Creating a Kranc thorn

CreateThorn[groups, directory, thornName, namedArgs]


If you want to use TensorTools tensors in calculations, you must call the CreateThornTT function instead of this one.