
LORENE is a set of C++ classes. It provides tools to solve partial differential equations by means of multi-domain spectral methods.

Multi-domain grid

Setup of a multi-domain grid

>>> int nz = 3 ;    // Number of domains
>>> int nr = 7 ;    // Number of collocation points in r in each domain
>>> int nt = 5 ;    // Number of collocation points in theta in each domain
>>> int np = 8 ;    // Number of collocation points in phi in each domain
>>> int symmetry_theta = SYM ; // symmetry with respect to the equatorial plane
>>> int symmetry_phi = NONSYM ; // no symmetry in phi
>>> bool compact = true ; // external domain is compactified
>>> // Multi-domain grid construction:
>>> Mg3d mgrid(nz, nr, nt, np, symmetry_theta, symmetry_phi, compact) ;
>>> cout << mgrid << endl ;